(Cappadocia Turkey, 2024/08) |
職稱 (Position) |
教授 (Professor) |
電話 (Telephone
number) |
+886-82-313533 |
傳真 (Fax) |
+886-82-313529 |
電子信箱 (Email) |
辦公室 (Office) |
892 金門縣金寧鄉盤山村23鄰大學路1號 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Quemoy University No.1, |
學歷 (Educations) |
國立成功大學電機博士(2000-2007) Ph.D., ·
國立成功大學電機碩士(1999-) M.S., National Cheng Kung University,
R. O. C. (1999-) ·
國立成功大學電機學士(1995-1999) B.S., National Cheng Kung University,
R. O. C. (1995-1999) |
經歷 (Experiences) |
崑山科技大學資管系兼任講師(2001-2005) (Educator, Kun Shan University of
Technology- Department of Information Management) ·
(Educator, Tainan Woman’s College of Arts &
Technology- Department of Information Management) ·
visiting researcher in La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
(2005.8.28-2005.10.27) ·
Visiting researcher in IOWA State University,
USA (2006.8.25-2006.9.23) ·
(Assistant Professor, National Kinmen Institute of Technology - Department of Information Management) ·
(Assistant Professor, National Kinmen Institute of Technology - Department of Computer Science and Information
Engineering) ·
(Section Chief, Information Network Section of Computer Center, National
Kinmen Institute of Technology) ·
(Assistant Professor, National Quemoy University - Department of Computer
Science and Information Engineering) ·
(Associate Professor, National Quemoy University - Department of Computer
Science and Information Engineering) ·
(Director, Software System Division of Computer and Network Center, National
Quemoy University) ·
(Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Quemoy University) ·
(Professor, National Quemoy University - Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering) |
專長及研究領域 (Specialities) |
多媒體網路 (Multimedia communication) ·
無線網路 (Wireless Networks) ·
網路模擬與效能分析 (Network Simulation
and Performance Analysis) ·
軟體所定義網路(Software Defined Network) |
著作 (Publication
List) |
Selected Refereed Papers (Google
Scholar) (Scopus)
(Ranking for
Scientist) (ScholarGPS) 1. C. H. Ke,
C. K. Shieh, W. S. Hwang, A. Ziviani, "A Two Markers
System for Improved MPEG Video Delivery in a DiffServ Network", IEEE
Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 381-383, April 2005. (SCI) 2. C. H. Ke, C. K. Shieh, W. S. Hwang,
A. Ziviani, “Improving
video transmission on the Internet”, IEEE Potentials Magazine, vol. 26,
no. 1, pp 16-19, 2007 (EI) 3. C. H. Ke, C. H. Lin, C. K. Shieh, W.
S. Hwang, A. Ziviani, “Evaluation of
Streaming MPEG Video over Wireless Channels”, Journal of Mobile
Multimedia, vol. 3, no. 1, pp.47-64, 2007 4. C. H. Ke, C. K. Shieh, W. S. Hwang,
A. Ziviani, “An
Evaluation Framework for More Realistic Simulations of MPEG Video
Transmission”, Journal of
Information Science and
Engineering, vol. 24, no. 2, pp.425-440, March 2008 (SCI) 5. C. H. Ke, N. Chilamkurti, “A New Framework for
MPEG Video Delivery over Heterogeneous Networks”, Computer Communication –
special issue on End-to-end Support over Heterogeneous Wired-Wireless
Networks, vol. 31, issue 11, pp.2656-2668, 15 July 2008 (SCI) 6. C. H. Lin, C. K.
Shieh, N. Chilamkurti, C. H. Ke*, W. S. Hwang, "A
RED-FEC Mechanism for Video Transmission over WLANS”, IEEE
Transaction on Broadcasting: Quality Issues in Multimedia Broadcasting, vol.
54, no. 3, pp.517-524, Sept. 2008 (SCI) 7. D. J. Deng, C.
H. Ke, Y. M. Huang, and H. H. Chen, "Contention
Window Optimization for IEEE 802.11 DCF Access Control", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 7, no.
12, pp. 5129-5135, Dec. 2008 (SCI) 8. C. H. Ke, L. Bin, Y. M. Huang, J.
Morris Chang, “Enhanced
High Performance Distributed Coordination Function for IEEE 802.11 Multi-rate
LANs”, International Journal of Communication
Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, pp.1045-1061, 2009 (SCI) 9. C. H. Ke, D. J. Deng, K. W. Lin, M. F. Tsai, “Concurrent Multipath
Transmission with Forward Error Correction Mechanism for Video Streaming in
Wireless Networks”, Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 11,
no. 4, pp. 491-497, July, 2010 (SCI) 10. C. H. Ke, C. C. Wei, K. W. Lin*,
and J. W. Ding, “A Smart
Exponential-Threshold-Linear Backoff Mechanism for IEEE 802.11 WLAN”,
International Journal of Communication Systems, vol 24, no. 8, pp. 1033-1048,
August, 2011 (SCI) 11. C. H. Ke, " myEvalSVC: an
Integrated Simulation Framework for Evaluation of H.264/SVC Transmission
", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol 6, no. 1,
pp. 379-394, Jan. 2012
(SCI) 12. C. H. Ke, C. C. Wei,
K. W. Lin*, “A
Dynamic and Adaptive Transmission Scheme for Both Solving Uplink/Downlink
Unfairness and Performance Anomaly Problems in a Multi-Rate WLAN”, Applied Mathematics &
Information Sciences, vol. 6, no.2S, pp. 531S-537S, Apr. 2012 (SCI) 13. C. H. Ke, C. A. Huang, K. W. Lin,
Fair Bandwidth Sharing for Downlink and Uplink Traffic in an Infrastructure
WLAN", Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, vol. 42, no.
1, pp. 31-40, May 2013 (EI) 14. C. H. Ke, K.W. Lin, C. A. Huang, Y. S. Chen, S. O. Park, "Cross-Layer
Quality Enhancement Scheme for Video Transmission over Multi-hop Wireless
Networks", Multimedia Tools Appl. 75(22):14849-14865(2016)
(SCI) 15. C. H. Ke, C. Y. Yang, J. L. Chen,
Novel Mapping Mechanism for MPEG-4 Video Delivery over IEEE 802.11e Networks",
Multimedia Tools Appl. 76(4):5937-5949(2017) (SCI) 16. C. H. Ke, C. Y. Yang, J. L. Chen, K.
Z. Ghafoor, J. Lloret, "Frame-based
mapping mechanism for energy-efficient MPEG-4 video transmission over IEEE
802.11e networks with better quality of delivery", J. Network and
Computer Applications 58:280-286(2015) (SCI) 17. C. H. Ke, K. W. Lin, and C. A. Huang,
fairness support and enhanced video quality delivery over multi-hop wireless
networks”, Computers & Electrical Engineering 56: 193-204(2016) (SCI)
18. C. H. Ke, C. Y. Yang, J. L. Chen,
Packet Pre-dropping Approach for Improved MPEG-4 Video Transmission in
Heavily Loaded Wireless Networks", MONET 22(1):30-39(2017) (SCI) 19. C. H. Ke, Y. S. Chen, Y. S. Yu, “Improving video transmission in software defined wired and wireless network using multi-path transmission”, Journal of Communications and Networks. 2017 19:587-595 (SCI) 20. Y.
S. Yu, C. H. Ke*, “Genetic
algorithm-based routing method for enhanced video delivery over software
defined networks”, International
Journal of Communication Systems 31(1)(2018) DOI: 10.1002/dac.3391 (SCI) 21. C. H. Ke,
S. Y. Hsieh, T. C. Lin, T. H. Ho, Efficiency Network
Construction of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Using Zigbee, IEE
Transactions on Mobile Computing. 18(4): 801-813 (2019) 22. A Malik, B
Aziz, M Adda, C. H. Ke, “Smart routing: towards
proactive fault handling of software-defined networks”, Computer
Networks, vol. 170, no. 7, April 2020 (SCI) 23. C. H. Ke*, S.J. Hsu, “Load Balancing Using P4 in
Software-Defined Networks”, Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 21, no.
6, pp. 1671-1679, Nov. 2020 (SCI) 24. Y. S. Chen,
L. C. Ting, N. T. Hshieh, C. H. Ke*, “Enhancing
Multimedia Streaming with Weighted Multiple Transmission Paths in Software
Defined Networks”, Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 21, no.7, pp.
2047-2054, Dec. 2020 (SCI) 25. C. H. Ke and L. Astuti, "Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to Improve Throughput and Reduce Collision Rate in IEEE 802.11 Networks," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 334-349, 2022. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2022.01.019. (SCI) (code) 26. C. H. Ke
and L. Astuti, “Applying Multi-Agent Deep
Reinforcement Learning for Contention Window Optimization to Enhance Wireless
Network Performance”, ICT Express, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 776-782,
Oct. 2023 (SCI) (code) 27. C. H. Ke, Y. W. Lo, Y.S. Chen, H. P. Chen, “An Enhanced Explicit Port Forwarding Solution for Improving Video Delivery over Software-Defined Networks”, Journal of Internet Technology (SCI), vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 313-321, Mar. 2023. 28. C. H. Ke,
Y. H. T, Y. W. Ma, “A
Reinforcement Learning Approach for Widest Path Routing in Software-Defined
Networks”, ICT Express, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 882-889, Oct. 2023 (SCI) 29. Y. H. Tu, E. C. Lin, C. H. Ke*, Y. W. Ma, “Enhanced-SETL:
A Multi-Variable Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Contention Window
Optimization in Dense Wifi Networks”, Computer Networks (SCI). vol . 253, November 2024, 110690. 30. M.C. Chou, G. J. Lin, C. H. Ke*, Y. S.
Chen, “Customer
service quality definition and adjustment method based on deep reinforcement
learning”, Advances in Technology Innovation. vol. 9, no. 4 (2024):
October B. 榮譽與獎勵 (Honor) 金門技術學院學術研究獎 (97年) Excellent Paper Award, National
Computer Symposium 2009 (NCS 2009) (全國計算機會議優良論文獎, 2009) 「國科會99年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才」獎勵 「國科會100年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才」獎勵 「國科會101年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才」獎勵 金門大學楊忠禮教學優良獎(104年) 金門大學研究傑出獎(105年) 金門大學研究傑出獎(106年) Best Conference
Paper Award, “A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Routing Scheme for Video Transmission
over Software Defined Networks”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on
Applied System Innovation, May 28-June 1, 2016, OKINAWA, JAPAN Best Paper Award, “在有線與無線之軟體定義網路下運用多路徑提升影像傳輸品質之研究”,
2016創新發明應用研討會暨第二十四屆模糊理論及其應用研討會 Best Paper Award (Master piece), “A
Dynamic GA-based Flow Scheduling in Fat-Tree Networks”, 2016 Hong Kong
International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Best Paper Award, “在SDN/NFV網路環境中提升視訊串流影像品質之研究“, 2017台灣網際網路研討會 (TANET2017) 金門大學楊忠禮教學優良獎(109年)
Best Paper Award, ”WLANs下透過雙重深度Q-Learning提升整體網路效能之研究”, TANET 2022臺灣網際網路研討會 |
學術活動 (Academic
Activities) |
論文審查委員(Paper Reviewer) Reviewer
of IEEE Communications Letters Reviewer
of IEEE Potentials Reviewer
of IEEE System Journal Reviewer
of IEEE Transaction on
Multimedia Reviewer
of IEEE Network Magazine Reviewer of IEEE/ACM Transactions Reviewer
of IET Communications on Networking Reviewer
of International Journal of Communication Systems Reviewer
of International Journal on Digital Learning Reviewer
of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Reviewer
of International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
(IJCNDS) Reviewer
of Journal of Supercomputing Reviewer
of Journal of Internet Technology (JIT) Reviewer
of Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) Reviewer
of Journal of
Computer Networks and Communications Reviewer
of KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems Reviewer
of Mobile Networks and Applications Reviewer
of Mobile Information Systems Reviewer of Mathematical
Problems in Engineering Reviewer
of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Reviewer of Frontiers of
Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (former title:
JZUS-C,2010-2014) Reviewer
of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Reviewer
of Security and Communication Networks Reviewer
of Security and Communication Networks Reviewer
of Sensors Reviewer
of Soft Computing Reviewer of the Computer
Journal Reviewer of the Scientific
World Journal Reviewer of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC) B.
Technical Program Committee Program Committee, The 3rd Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor
Networks (WASN), Sep. 6~7, 2007 (TKU, Taiwan) Local Co-Chair and Program Committee, The 4th Workshop on Wireless,
Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), Sep. 4~5, 2008 (NCKU, Taiwan) Program Committee, The 2008 International Symposium
on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA), Hobart, Australia, Oct.
13-15, 2008 Program Committee, Network Applications, Protocols and Services
Conference 2008 (NetApps), Malysia, Nov. 21-22,
2008 Program Committee and Session Chair, International Computer Symposium (ICS), Nov. 13-15, 2008 (Tamkang University) Financial Chair and Technical Program Committee, Pacific-Rim Conference
on Multimedia (PCM), Dec. 9-13, 2008 (NCKU) Program Committee and Session Chair, International Symposium on
Wireless and Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 11-13,
2009 Program Committee, The First International e-Conference on Advanced
Science and Technology, Feb. 27~ Mar. 2, 2009, in Internet Cyber Space Program Committee, 2009 Conference on Technology and Applications in
Outlying Islands, Kinmen, Taiwan, May 22-23, 2009 Program Committee, the First International Workshop on Vehicular
Communication Technologies (VehiCom), Leipzig,
Germany, Jun. 21-24, 2009 Program Committee, International Workshop on
Mobility and its Applications, Leipzig, Germany, Jun. 21-24, 2009 Session Chair, 2009海峽兩岸信息科學與信息技術學術交流會議,宜蘭大學, Taiwan, June 24-26, 2009 Program Committee, The Fourth International Conference on
Communications and Networking in China, Xi’an, China, Aug. 26-28, 2009 Program Committee, The 1st International Workshop on Wireless
Multimedia Networking and Applications (WMNA), Wrexham, United Kingdom, Sep.
10, 2009 Program Committee, The 5th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor
Networks, Sep. 10~11, 2009 (NTHU, Taiwan) Invited Session Chair of The Fifth International Conference on
Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing Program Committee, IEEE Workshop
on Networking Intelligent Vehicles and Infrastructures, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Program Committee, International Conference on Next Generation Wireless
Systems, Oct. 12-14, 2009, Melbourne, Australia Program Committee, Taiwan Academic Network Conference, Oct. 28-30,
2009, Changhua, Taiwan Program Committee, The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science
and its Applications, Jeju, Korea, December 10-12, 2009 Program Committee, International Workshop on Vehicular Communications, Networks, and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec 14-16, 2009 Program Committee, The 2009 IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia,
Dec. 15-18, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand Program Committee, The 6th Workshop on Grid Technologies and
Applications, Dec. 18-19, Taitung, Taiwan Program Committee, 7th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications &
Networking Conference, Jan. 9-12, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada USA Program Committee, International Conference on Information Science and
Applications, January 27-29, 2010, Seoul, Korea Program Committee, The 5th Annual International Wireless Internet
Conference, Singapore, March 1-3, 2010 Program Committee, The 4th International Symposium on Security and
Multimodality in Pervasive Environment 2010 (SMPE 2010), Perth, Australia,
April 20-23, 2010 Program Committee, The 2010 International Conference on Advanced
Science and Technology, June 23~25, 2010, at Sheration
Grande Ocean Resort, Miyazaki, Japan Program Committee, The Fifth International Conference
on Communications and Networking in China, Beijing, China, Aug. 25-27, 2010 Program Committee, The 2010 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Sep.
21-24, Shanghai, China Program Committee, The 6th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks, Sep. , 2010, Taiwan Program Committee, The 6th International Conference on Wireless and
Mobile Computing, Networking, and Communications, Niagara Falls, Canada, Oct.
11-13, 2010 Program Committee, The 8th
Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference - Multimedia
& Entertainment Networking and Services, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, Jan.
8-11, 2011 Program
Committee, The 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology
Conference (Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks Track), Budapest, Hungary, May
15-18, 2011. Program
Committee, The 3rd International Workshop on Mobile P2P
Network (co-located with 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing Conference; IWCMC 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, July 5 - 8, 2011 Program Committee, The 7th
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications, Oct. 10-12, 2011, Shanghai, China Program Committee, Taiwan Academic Network Conference, Oct. 19-21,
2011, Ilan, Taiwan. Program
Committee, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference-Multimedia
& Entertainment Networking Services, Jan. 14-17, 2012. Program
Committee, IEEE
PerCom’12 Workshop: The Eighth International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer
Computing (MP2P 2012), Lugano, Switzerland, March 19-23, 2012. Program
Committee, The 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced
Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012), Fukuoka, Japan, March
26-29, 2012. Program
Committee, 2012 International
Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems, Amman,
Jordan, May. 13-16, 2012. Program Committee, International Symposium on Wireless and Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), DALIAN, CHINA, 3rd-5th, 2012. Program
Committee, The 2012 International Conference on Advances in Computing,
Communications and Informatics ( (ICACCI-2012), Chennai,
India, August 3-5, 2012. Program Committee, The 8th International
Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Barcelona, Spain, October 8-10, 2012. Program Committee, 2012 Australasian
Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2012),
Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 7-9, 2012 Program Committee, The 10th IEEE Consumer
Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)-Multimedia Networking &
Services & Applications, Las Vegas, Jan. 11-14, 2013. Program
Committee, IEEE
PerCom’13 Workshop: The Eighth International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer
Computing (MP2P 2013), San Diego, USA, March 18-22, 2013. Program Committee, 1st International Workshop on
Broadband Wireless Internet and Next Generation Networks Access (BWINA 2013),
Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013. Program Committee, IEEE Wireless Communications and
Networking Conference (WCNC), Shanghai, China, April 7-10, 2013. Program Committee, The 4th International Conference
on Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing (MUSIC-13), Gwangju, Korea,
Sept. 4-6, 2013. Program Committee, The 2012 IEEE 9th
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications (WiMob), Lyon, France, Oct. 7-9,
2013. Technical Program Co-chair, 8th
International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), Taipei,
Taiwan, Nov. 20-22, 2013. Program Committee, CCNC 2014 – Multimedia
Networking & Services & Applications, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan.
10-13, 2014. Program Committee, IEEE Wireless Communications and
Networking Conference Track 2: MAC, Istanbul, Turkey, April 6-9, 2014 Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on
Communications IEEE ICC 2014 Mobile and Wireless Networking Symposium,
Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014 Program Committee, HPSR 2014 – IEEE 15th
International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 1-4, 2014 Program Committee,臺灣網際網路研討會 (Tanet 2014), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 22-24, 2014. Program Committee, International Computer Symposium
(ICS 2014), Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 12-14, 2014 Program Committee, 11th International
Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and
Robustness, Taipei, Taiwan, August 19-20, 2015 Program Committee, The 8th International Conference
on Ubi-Media Computing, Colombo, Sri Lanka, August 24-26, 2015. Technical Program Committee member, 2016
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication (ICNC),
Kauai, Hawaii, USA, February 15-18, 2016 Program Committee, International Conference on
Cyber Security and IT Governance, Ahmedabad, India, March 19, 2016 Program Committee, The 5th International
Conference on Computer and Applications (CCA 2016), Jeju, Korea, March
24-26,2016 Reviewer, IEEE ICC 2016 Ad-hoc and Sensor
networking Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016 Advisory Committee, International Conference on
Smart Trends for Information Technology and Computer Communications, Jaipur,
India, August 6-7, 2016 Session Chair and Program Committee,臺灣網際網路研討會 (Tanet 2016), Hualien, Taiwan, Oct. 19-21, 2016 Technical Program Committee member, 2017
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication (ICNC),
Silicon Valley, USA, Jan. 26-29, 2017 Program Committee,臺灣網際網路研討會 (Tanet 2017), Taichung, Taiwan, Oct. 25-27, 2017 Program Committee,第十三屆無線、隨意及感測網路研討會(WASN2017), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Aug. 27-28, 2017 主題主編,”無線通訊網路、綠能通訊、量子通訊, 臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET2020), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-30, 2020 主題主編,”無線通訊網路、綠能通訊、量子通訊, 臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET2021), Taichung, Taiwan, Dec 10-12,
2021 Technical Program Committee member, EAI FoNeS-IoT 2022 – 2nd
EAI International Conference on Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in
the IoT Era, Erbil, Iraq, March 1-2, 2022 主題主編,”無線通訊網路、綠能通訊、量子通訊, 臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET2022), Taoyuan, Taiwan, Dec. 15-17,
2022 C.
Editorships 1. Guest Editor, Special issue on “Internet Resource Sharing and
Discovery”, Journal of Internet Technology (co-edit with Ruay-Shiung
Chang and Der-Jiunn Deng) deadline: 2. Associate
Editor, International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadcasting
Technologies (IJWNBT) 3. Guest Editor, Special issue on “Multi-Constraints Algorithms for Heterogeneous
Networks”, International Journal of Communication
Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS) deadline: July/17/2011 4. Editor, International
Journal of Research in Wireless Systems (IJRWS) 5. Editor, International
Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) 6. Editor, International
Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems (IJSECS) D.
論文口試委員 1.彰師大資工:張恆嘉,葉宇凡,張力偉 (2008/06/13) 2.龍華科大電子工程系:林俊位, 鄭宇哲 (2008/06/24); 周昇毅、陳奕宏(2009/07/14) 3.成功大學工程科學系:侯欣成 (2009/01/09); 許裕峰(2009/06/05) 4.高雄應用科技大學資管系: 吳貫瑋、郭憶萱(2009/06/22) ;余佳玲(2010/02/08) 5.淡江大學電機系:黃博昌、 楊慧玉、蔡佳良(2009/07/15) 6.台北教育大學資訊科學系:丁運如(2009/07/16) 7.高雄應用科技大學電機系: 鄭振華、熊俊魁、黃寶瑋、許紘銘 (2010/07/19) 8.台北教育大學資訊科學系: 莊旻諺 (2011/7/19) 9.龍華科大電子工程研究所:溫哲緯(2013/01/22) 10.台北教育大學資訊科學系: 鄭人慈(2013/06/17) 11.淡江大學電機系:吳銘智、余方翊(2013/06/20) 12.中央大學通訊工程學系:王秀萍、王崇峻、楊文智(2013/07/11) 13.成功大學電機系:林志勳、陳思齊(2013/07/20) 14.崑山科技大學電腦與通訊系:洪偉峻、廖健智(2014/06/30) 15.崑山科技大學電腦與通訊系:林家鵬,周均祐(2015/7/2) 16.台北教育大學資訊科學系:吳石昌,蔡育珊(2015/7/28) 17.成功大學資工系:鍾煒康,梁文宣(2016/1/18) 18.成功大學電腦與通信工程研究所:翁泳聰(博士) 黃聖維(博士)(2016/7/15) 19.台北教育大學資訊科學系:廖中和(2016/7/21) 20.台北教育大學資訊科學系:丁律中(2017/7/17) 21.崑山科技大學電腦與通訊系:陳昱翰、李哲霖、劉沛成(2018/6/29) 22.台北教育大學資訊科學系:陳柏霖、邱建霖(2018/7/19) 23.宜蘭大學資訊工程學系:楊峻智、劉大然(2019/01/10) 24.台北教育大學資訊科學系:黃彥賓(2019/01/21) 25.台北教育大學資訊科學系:陳文毅、鄧伊廷(2019/7/8) 26.台灣科技大學:楊崇義(博士)(2019/7/29) 27.高雄科技大學:黃志昂(博士)(2020/1/13) 28.台北教育大學資訊科學系: 周炫廷、呂驊恂(2020/7/15) 29.台北教育大學資訊科學系: 朱文熙(2021/1/13) 30.金門大學資訊工程學系: 羅宇文(2021/7/7) 31.台北教育大學資訊科學系: 鄧翔之、張睿家(2021/7/19) 32.虎尾科技大學資訊科學系: 陳晉偉、余品源(2021/7/27) 33.嘉義大學資訊工程學系:曾同學 (2022/5/26) 34.金門大學資訊工程學系: 凃奕豪、Lia Astuti(2022/6/20) 35.虎尾科技大學資訊科學系:柯同學(2022/7/7) 36.台北教育大學資訊科學系:楊同學、黃同學(2022/7/13) 37.中興大學資訊科學與工程學系:梁同學、蔡同學、劉同學(2022/8/1) 38.中央大學通訊工程學系:林同學、張同學(2022/8/8) 周同學(2022/8/19) 39.台灣科技大學電機工程研究所:鄒同學、邱同學(2023/6/21) 40.台北教育大學資訊科學系:陳同學、黃同學(2023/7/12) 41.台北教育大學資訊科學系:杭同學(2024/7/1) |
主持或共同主持之研究計畫 (Projects) |
1.國科會計劃---適應性前向錯誤更正在無線網路的影像傳輸研究 (NSC 97-2218-E-507-001) 97/01/01~97/10/31, 計畫主持人 2.國科會計劃---應用於無線網狀網路使用前向糾錯控制技術結合多路徑傳輸機制之研製(NSC 98-2221-E-507-002) 98/08/01~99/07/31,計畫主持人 3.金門無線島---無線網路第三方驗證計劃(中華金廈聯網股份有限公司) 98/10/1~98/12/31,計畫主持人 4.學界協助中小企業科技關懷計劃---陳金福食品股份有限公司線上購物網站建置計劃 98/11~99/04,計畫主持人 5.國科會計劃---適應性前向錯誤更正在無線感知網路的影像傳輸研究(NSC 99-2221-E-507 -001) 99/8/1~100/7/31,計畫主持人 6.學界協助中小企業科技關懷計劃---馬家麵線線上購物網站建置計畫 99/07~99/12,計畫主持人 7.教育部:資訊軟體人才培育推動中心網路資源推廣分項計畫(子計畫2-2:自由軟體教材開發- 「程式設計」課程) 99/4/1~100/3/31,子計畫主持人 (教材下載) 8.教育部:資訊軟體人才培育推動中心網路資源推廣分項計畫(子計畫2-2:自由軟體教材開發- 「網路程式設計」課程) 100/4/1~101/3/31,子計畫主持人 (教材下載) 9.國科會計劃---在無線網路多重傳輸速率環境下資源分享不均問題之研究(NSC
100-2221-E-507 -004) 100/8/1~101/7/31,計畫主持人 10.教育部101年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫:A類,雲端計算與服務領域(101/2/1~102/1/31) ,協同主持人 11.教育部102年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫:A類,雲端計算與服務領域(102/2/1~103/1/31),協同主持人 12.國科會計劃---基礎架構式無線區域網路環境下之點對點視訊傳輸效能增進方法(NSC 101-2221-E-507 -005) 101/8/1~102/7/31,計畫主持人 13.思銳科技股份有限公司,產學合作案---"網路效能模擬分析-實驗與教案設計"研究計劃,101/7/1~101/12/31,協同主持人 14..國科會計劃—在具有遺失率的通道上針對串流影像的動態式多層級資料前向糾錯方法(NSC 102-2221-E-507-003)
102/8/1~103/7/31,計畫主持人 15. 工業技術研究院計劃---物聯網品質保證技術之研究,102/1/1~102/12/31,計劃連絡人 16. 國科會計劃—在無線隨意網路中以法團為基礎之適應性省電機制的研究 (NSC 102-2221-E-152-004) 102/8/1~103/7/31,共同主持人 17. 工業技術研究院特聘研究 (103/3/1~103/12/31):1.協助檢視網路通訊協定之設計效能模擬程式開發及提供專業建議 2.協助中心規劃未來科專計畫及提供專業建議 18. 科技部計劃—在多跳無線網路環境下運用跨層方式提升影像傳輸品質之研究(MOST 103-2221-E507-001) 103/8/1~104/7/31,計畫主持人 19. 工業技術研究院特聘研究 (104/1/1~104/12/31) 20. 科技部計劃—在軟體定義網路下運用非重要資料優先繞路方式提升影像傳輸品質之研究(MOST
104-2221-E-507-002-) 104/8/1-105/7/31,計畫主持人 21. 工業技術研究院特聘研究 (105/1/1~105/12/31) 22. 科技部計劃—在軟體定義網路下運用多路徑傳輸提升影像傳輸品質之研究(MOST
105-2221-E-507-003-) 105/8/1-106/7/31,計畫主持人 23. 工業技術研究院特聘研究 (106/1/1~106/12/31) 24. 科技部計劃—在有線與無線之軟體定義網路下提供端點到端點傳輸服務品質之研究(MOST 106-2221-E-507-002-) 106/8/1/~107/7/31,計畫主持人 25. 科技部計劃—在P4網路中使用深度封包檢測以達到負載均衡之研究(MOST 108-2221-E-507-005-) 108/8/1-109/7/31,計畫主持人 26. 工業技術研究院特聘研究 (109/1/1~109/12/31) 27. 科技部計劃—在p4網路環境使用強化學習與邊緣運算以提升視訊串流品質之研究(MOST
110-2221-E-507-001 -)
110/8/1-111/7/31,計畫主持人 28. 國科會計畫-使用深入強化學習最佳化wifi競爭視窗以提升系統效能和提供傳輸服務品質之研究(NSTC 112-2221-E-507-002-)
112/8/1-113/7/31,計畫主持人 29. 國科會計畫-基於流量需求的深度強化學習頻寬感知SDN路由之研究(NSTC 113-2221-E-507-005-) 113/8/1-114/7/31,計畫主持人 |
開授課程 (Courses) |
95學年度第二學期 1. 數位邏輯 2.系統程式 3.物件導向程式設計
4.資料庫設計與應用 96學年度第一學期 1. 程式設計 2.資料結構 3.無線網路概論
4.網路規劃實務 96學年度第二學期 1.物件導向程式設計 2.資訊網路 3.高等無線網路 97學年度第一學期 1.程式設計 2. 無線網路概論 3.計算機網路 97學年度第二學期 1. 物件導向程式設計 2.資訊網路3.網路模擬與分析 98學年度第一學期 1.程式設計 2. 無線網路概論 3.計算機網路 98學年度第二學期 1. 程式設計進階 2.資訊網路3.網路模擬與分析 99學年度第一學期 1.程式設計 2. 無線網路概論 3.計算機網路 4.高等無線網路 99學年度第二學期 1. 程式設計進階 2.資訊網路3.網路模擬與分析 4.Linux網路作業系統 5.科技論文導讀與寫作 100學年度第一學期 1.程式設計 2. TCP/IP協定 3.伺服器架設 4. 無線網路概論 5.計算機網路
6.服務教育 100學年度第二學期 1. 程式設計進階 2.資訊網路3.網路模擬與分析 4.Linux網路作業系統 5.服務教育 101學年度第一學期 1.程式設計 2.TCP/IP協定 3.伺服器架設 4無線網路 101 學年度第二學期 1. 程式設計進階 2.資訊網路3. Linux網路作業系統 102 學年度第一學期 1.程式設計 2.TCP/IP協定 3.伺服器架設 102學年度第二學期 1. 程式設計進階 2.資訊網路3.
Linux網路作業系統 103 學年度第一學期 1.程式設計 2.TCP/IP協定 3.伺服器架設 4.行動網路 103學年度第二學期 1. 程式設計進階 2.資訊網路3.
Linux網路作業系統 104學年度第一學期: 1.TCP/IP協定 2.伺服器架設 3. 無線網路 104學年度第二學期 1.資訊網路3. Linux網路作業系統 3.網路模擬與分析 4.計算機網路 105學年度第一學期: 1.TCP/IP協定 2.伺服器架設 3. 無線網路 4.行動網路 105學年度第二學期: 1.資訊網路2.Linux網路作業系統 3.Linux系統自動化運維 4.計算機網路 106學年度第一學期: 1.TCP/IP協定 2.伺服器架設 3. 無線網路 106學年度第二學期: 1.資訊網路2.Linux網路作業系統 3.Linux系統自動化運維 4.網路模擬與分析 107學年度第一學期: 1.TCP/IP協定 2.伺服器架設 3. 無線網路4.計算機網路 107學年度第二學期: 1.資訊網路2.Linux網路作業系統 3.Linux系統自動化運維 4.網路模擬與分析
1.TCP/IP協定 2.伺服器架設 3. 無線網路4.計算機網路 108學年度第二學期: 1.資訊網路2.Linux網路作業系統 3.Linux系統自動化運維 4.網路模擬與分析 洪晟峯 學生筆記
1.TCP/IP協定 2.伺服器架設 3.雲端通訊整合實務 4.計算機網路 (Docker&K8S筆記: 凃同學,林同學, CISCO筆記:黃同學, 印尼學生筆記) 109 學年第二學期: Linux筆記:印尼學生筆記,傅同學,徐同學, 資訊網路筆記:徐同學 魏同學 外籍學生:周同學 網路模擬與分析筆記:印尼學生 林同學
1.資訊網路2.Linux網路作業系統 3.Linux系統自動化運維
1.TCP/IP協定 2.伺服器架設 3.雲端通訊整合實務 (施同學筆記) 4.計算機網路 (施同學筆記) 110學年度第二學期:
1.資訊網路(陳同學筆記,黃同學筆記) 2.Linux網路作業系統(蔡同學筆記,徐同學筆記)
3.Linux系統自動化運維(魏同學筆記,傅同學筆記) 4.網路模擬與分析(吳同學,劉同學)
1.TCP/IP協定(李同學筆記 黃同學筆記) 2.伺服器架設(魏同學筆記,蔡同學筆記) 3.雲端通訊整合實務(陳同學筆記,林同學筆記) 4.計算機網路(陳同學筆記,陳同學筆記) 112學年度第二學期:
1.資訊網路(范同學,王同學) 2.Linux網路作業系統(林同學,黃同學) 3.Linux系統自動化運維(蔡同學,魏同學)
1.TCP/IP協定(胡同學) 2.伺服器架設(李同學 黃同學 侯同學) 3.雲端通訊整合實務(蔡同學 徐同學 侯同學) 113學年第二學期: 1.資訊網路(陳同學) 2.Linux網路作業系統(翁同學,董同學)
1.TCP/IP協定(黃同學) 2.伺服器架設(劉同學 范同學 劉同學)3.
計算機網路(周同學 賴同學 林同學) 114學年第二學期: 1.資訊網路2.Linux網路作業系統3.Linux系統自動化運維 指導碩士學生:
魏志成(97/09~99/01) 黃志昂(98/09~100/01) 鄭志豪(99/09~102/07) 江依柔(105/09~107/07) 蔡文祥(105/09-107/07) 陳書晨(105/09-107/07) 許世榮 (106/09-108/07) 羅宇文(108/09-110/07) 凃奕豪(109/09-111/07) Lia Astuti(109/09-111/07) 林恩成(110/09-112/07) |
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